Koichi Shibata, Tokyo Denki University
James York, Tokyo Denki University
This paper introduces a virtual reality (VR) system which was designed to promote English speaking proficiency as learners carry out collaborative information gap tasks. In a former study, a simpler system was developed to explore the effect of modality on learners’ foreign language anxiety (FLA) where results suggested that anxiety was statistically significantly lower in the VR environment compared to a voice and video chat system. However, of three key affordances—presence, interactivity, and autonomy—the previous system only focused on presence. The current system features an interactive component also. In this paper, we present results of a study which compared the two systems (presence-only versus interactive system) with the aim of answering the question: Does more-fully utilizing the affordances of VR lower or increase learners’ FLA? In a counterbalanced design, 30 participants (15 pairs) completed a spot-the-difference task in two different VR environments: static-VR (former system) and interactive-VR (current system). Results of a post-experimental questionnaire suggested that there was no difference in participants’ FLA for the two domains. However, a significant difference was found in terms of ease of communication and enjoyment which favored the interactive-VR mode. Additionally, compared to predictions that the interactive-VR task would be more cognitively demanding, it was considered simpler than the static-VR task. This suggests that using more of the affordances of VR by increasing interactivity further may make the embodied experience more life-like and therefore increase opportunities for learning. This paper introduces the system, implications for researchers and teachers, and future research directions.
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