JALTCALL 2024, Nagoya
JALTCALL 2023, Kumamoto
JALTCALL 2022, Online
JALTCALL 2021, Online
JALTCALL 2020, Planned for Hirosaki, but held online
Archives for the 2020 conference are not currently available, but will be added at a future date. In the meantime, any inquiries regarding the 2020 conference should be directed to “sig-coordinator at jaltcall.org”.
JALTCALL 2019, Tokyo
JALTCALL 2018, Nagoya
JALTCALL 2017, Matsuyama
JALT 2016, Nagoya
The CALL SIG FORUM is schedule each year at the JALT Conference. Find out more about the conference here. Schedule details are as they become available. Pre-conference Technology’n’Teaching workshops were held on Nov 20th and CALL-related presentations were scheduled during the main conference from Nov 21-23.
JALTCALL 2016: CALL & the BRAIN, Tokyo
Keynote Speaker: Mark Pegrum, University of Western Australia.
Plenary Speaker (virtual presentation): Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador.
Plenary Speaker (virtual presentation): Dr Paul Howard-Jones, Graduate School of Education, Bristol University.
Plenary Speaker (virtual presentation): Julia Volkman, President/Founder of Maitri Learning & Teaching Fellow for Neuroscience of Learning: An Introduction to Mind, Brain & Education at Harvard University (Extension School).
You can read more about this event on the conference site.
JALTCALL 2015, Fukuoka
JALTCALL 2015 was held June 5-7 at Kyushu Sangyo University in Fukuoka, Japan. It was a great success due to the efforts of conference co-chairs Douglas Jarrell and Paul Daniels. Check the conference site for links to the Keynote and Plenary addresses. The CALL SIG FORUM was held on Saturday, November 21st at 5:50-7:20 PM in Room 904. Details about the forum can be found in the downloadable PDF.
JALT 2014, Tsukuba

JALTCALL 2014, Nagoya
New Horizons in CALL
The JALTCALL 2014 conference was held at Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Nagoya, June 6 – June 8, 2014
Call for papers closed on 2/15.
JALTCALL 2013, Matsumoto
The JALTCALL 2013 conference was held at Shinshu University in Matsumoto from May 31st – June 2nd, 2013.
JALT 2013, Kobe
39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition
Kobe Convention Center, Portopia, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, October 25th – 28th, 2013.
JALTCALL 2012, Nishinomiya
Our JALTCALL 2012 conference was held at the Konan CUBE, Hirao School of Management, Konan University from June 1-3, 2012.
The Konan CUBE is located in Nishinomiya City, only a 3-minute walk from Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi Station on the Hankyu Line.
JALT PanSIG 2012
The JALT PanSIG 2012 was held at Hiroshima University (Higashi Hiroshima Campus) from June 16-17, 2012. The JALT CALL SIG sponsored Dr. Thomas Cobb from the Université du Québec à Montréal to deliver a Plenary Speech on June 16. Here is a link to the video of Dr. Thomas Cobb’s Plenary. Please visit the 2012 JALT PanSIG Conference site at http://www.pansig.org/2012/ for more information.
JALTCALL 2011, Kurume
Click here to see a slide show of some recent events and read more about them below.