When: June 2–4, 2023
Where: Kumamoto-Jo Hall, in downtown Kumamoto
Format: Face-to-face with fully online and hybrid attendance options
Theme: CALLing the Future
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Keiko Ikeda (Kansai University) and Giles Goddard (Chuhai Labs)
(Note: a limited number of conference grants will be made available to presenters without institutional support. JALTCALL will also be offering abstract writing support for first-time and junior presenters.)
Call for paper: The CfP is now closed; please check your email for results
Conference schedule
Friday June 2: 6pm-7pm Saturday June 3: 9AM-5h30PM Sunday June 4: 9AM-3h30
(Saturday AGM 3h30PM-4h30PM)
After three long years of being fully online, the JALTCALL conference is returning to its traditional format of in-person presentations for the 2023 conference in Kumamoto. All speakers and presentations will be face-to-face and streamed through CVent for our remote attendees. All F2F posters will be made available in digital format, hosted on Padlet, so that online attendees can easily leave comments and questions.
In addition to two keynote speakers, JALTCALL 2023 will offer the following presentation formats: paper presentation (30 min), show and tell (30 min), poster (40 min), and workshop (70 min). Please see the Call for Proposals for more detailed information.
About The Venue
The conference will be held at Kumamoto-Jo Hall, part of the Sakura Machi Kumamoto (JP only) commercial complex in downtown Kumamoto. The complex features shopping, dining, entertainment, hotel, and conference facilities, in addition to garden spaces and a major bus terminal. There is no shortage of places to rest or catch up with colleagues.
Transportation: The city bus center is attached to the conference facility, with all buses stopping there. This includes both Kumamoto and Fukuoka airport buses. Kumamoto station is 10 minutes away via tramway. Parking is available within the complex and throughout downtown.
Downtown core: The conference center is minutes away from Kumamoto’s traditional downtown and the covered shopping streets of Kamitori and Shimotori. There’s sure to be something for everyone after the networking dinner.
At Sakura no Baba Jousaien (桜の馬場 城彩苑), a historic market, attendees can enjoy local delicacies next to the Kumamoto Castle. 7 min walk away.
Hotels: Many hotels are within walking distance of the conference location. All buses lead to the conference center. Koko Hotel is located within the conference facility.
About the Theme
The only thing that’s certain in life is uncertainty. The role of an instructor has changed beyond teaching to include social director, program manager, and technical assistant. Similarly, our students will likely face ever-changing work environments and need to solve problems we cannot yet imagine. To that end, teachers can develop various literacies, competencies, and qualities in their students to prepare them for the future. This conference is made to share the frameworks and pedagogical approaches we use to prepare students, teachers, and ourselves for the challenges of the 21st century.
Proposals will be accepted from a broad range of disciplinary areas and perspectives related to CALL research. Submissions may consider (but are not restricted to) the following subthemes:
- Access, equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Assessment
- Materials design
- Language policy
- Pedagogical innovation
- Professional development
- Youth culture and practices in L2 teaching
- 4Cs (Critical thinking. Creativity. Collaboration. Communication)
- COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)
- CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
- ELF (English as a Lingua Franca)
- 21st-century skills
- Multimodal literacy
- Technology literacy
- Intercultural learning
- The user experience
- Preparing students for the future
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Keiko Ikeda
As well as being a professor in the Division of International Affairs at Kansai University, Dr. Ikeda is the principal project manager for the Inter-University Exchange Project, the KU-COIL Coordinator, and most recently, the Vice-Director of the newly established Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE). She has a Ph.D. from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, specializing in Japanese linguistics, foreign language education, and conversation analysis. Her interests in the international education field are internationalization at home through constructing active learning programs collaborating with universities overseas.
Dr. Ikeda will be bringing us a keynote that focuses on cultivating global employability through international education by adopting a blended mobility approach.
Giles Goddard
Giles Goddard is an industry legend with some incredible credits to his name – He was the Lead Programmer on Star Fox, the co-creator of 1080 Snowboarding and much more! Giles started his programming career when he was just a teenager making Amiga demos and experimenting with 3-D wireframes, this landed him a job with Argonaut Software and eventually with Nintendo of Japan. Giles has been living in Japan for over 30 years making games and location-based VR attractions. He is now Current CEO of the indie studio Chuhai Labs who are responsible for the games Carve Snowboarding, Whitewater Wipeout, and Cursed to Golf.
This special keynote interview will spend the first half covering topics and questions about gaming followed by the second half with topics that intersect both industries, AI, education in Japan, post-pandemic work environments, and computer, technology, and tech-related literacy in Japan.
Friday Evening Workshops
Dr. Prysiazhna presentation is CANCELLED
Dr. Olena Prysiazhna
Visiting professor, Sojo University
Ukrainian history and culture, followed by a Ukrainian CALL lesson
The presentation on Ukraine will be replaced by an Extended Entrance Ceremony Video Podcast
Using immersive reader and other text-to-speech tools to bring text to life for readers of all levels
Conference Grants
A limited number of grants are available from JALTCALL SIG to cover travel expenses for presenters and waive conference fees. Only applicants who have no (or very limited) access to research funding (e.g. institutional research or travel funds, a Kaken grant, etc.) are eligible for the conference grant. Furthermore, applicants who accept a grant offer will be expected to (1) be a JALTCALL SIG member at the time of the conference, (2) deliver a presentation at the conference, and (3) submit a paragraph for the post-conference issue of the C@lling Japan newsletter explaining how attending the conference changed your thinking or otherwise helped you develop professionally.
Grant offers will be made to successful applicants after the application deadline has passed and selection criteria will include the quality of the abstract submitted and the financial need of the applicant. Grants will not exceed ¥30 000 and will be given to a maximum of three members. If you would like to apply for a JALTCALL 2023 conference grant, please make the appropriate selection on the proposal submission form and submit a short paragraph to explain your circumstances, making clear how the grant would help you to present at the conference.
Abstract Writing Support
In conjunction with JALT’s Writer’s Peer Support Group, we are offering abstract writing help for first-time and junior presenters. If you aren’t sure where to begin or just think you need a hand in improving your abstract then head over to the Writers’ Peer Support Group and submit a request for assistance. Scroll down to “Submitting a Paper for Review” and when submitting a request, be sure to mention that it is for JALTCALL 2023 and for a presentation proposal abstract. NOTE: be sure to contact the PSG early. Peer writing support of this nature can take a week or two, so allow plenty of time before the call for proposals closes on February 14th.
Social Networking Reception
The social networking reception will be held at Ichinosoko which is 15 min from the conference venue through the heart of Kumamoto’s shopping and eating district. 120 seats were reserved. We will announce further details soon about registration for the dinner.
Kumamoto local cuisine 9-courses dinner nomihodai (vegetarian option will be available)
JALTCALL 2023 received an EVE Platinum Badge
Please find more info about EVE voices here.
Conference team and contact information
Robert Dykes (conference co-chair) has been volunteering with JALT since 2016 and has held over 20 different positions in the organization. He has worked on the PanSIG, CUE Conference, SUTFL, and JALT International Conference teams. He is the current CALL SIG coordinator, a TLT proofreader, and the NanKyu membership chair. His research interests mimic his severe ADHD, jumping all over the place from motivation, foreign language anxiety, typography, CMC mediums like Reddit, and most recently he has been involved in using Minecraft in the language classroom.
Robert Remmerswaal (conference co-chair) has been the treasurer at the JALT NanKyu chapter since 2018 and the Technology Matters editor at CUE since 2020. He is a doctoral candidate at the Prefectural University of Kumamoto and works full-time at Sojo University. His research interests include authentic tasks, COIL, and developing 21st Century Skills in students.
Help and general questions: conference@jaltcall.org
The JALTCALL 2023 teams would like to thank all student volunteers.
Special thanks to Professor Naito from Sojo University and the SCB broadcasting club.