
Please find the latest JALTCALL podcast on this page. Our podcast is available on SoundCloud , YouTube Music, Apple Podcast, Pocketcast, and Podcast Addict.
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March 2025 Episode 7: David Kluge Interview

David Kluge is interviewed by JALTCALL Podcast host Brian Gallagher. David Kluge was one of the founding members of the group that became the JALTCALL SIG and has taught English for over forty years, 32 of them at the university level. He has co-authored three books, two for National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning and one for Macmillan Learning. His current areas of interest are readers theatre, oral interpretation, speech, presentation, drama, debate, oral communication, composition, cooperative learning, and materials writing.
In the interview, we discuss learning opportunities with technology over the years from early word-processing computer labs and early phone technologies. With a focus on creativity in academia, David explains how he created and curated courses with several elements that required student personalization and input. From cliffhangers to digital scrapbooks, from roleplays to divergent models, the ideas and answers flow from this very talented teacher.

Host: Brian Gallagher
Guest: David Kluge

Show notes

David Kluge publications
2003 paper about Ubiquitous learning opportunities: https://www.academia.edu/95334251/Ubiquitous_Learning_Opportunities_Learning_via_Web_Video_on_Mobile_Phones?uc-sb-sw=97917785
Kinjo University : https://www.kinjo-u.ac.jp/eng/

March 2025 Episode 6: Studio Talk

Today Geoff Carr hosts Brian Gallagher, Robert Remmerswaal, and Luc Gougeon as they discuss student and teacher fundamental tech skills before the new academic year begins. In this episode, they recommend class management ideas, tips, and technologies. Everything from password management to typing skills, search engines to power cords. And finally, a host of resources that can make everyone’s life a lot easier and more convenient.

Host: Geoff Carr
: Brian Gallagher, Robert Remmerswaal, Luc Gougeon
Editor: Brian Gallagher

Show notes

Keyboard skillsbbc bitesize typing
Word Processing + FormattingGoogle Digital Skills
Easy Schedule Creator –https://gizmoa.com/college-schedule-maker/
Easy Vocabulary WordSearch Creator –https://thewordsearch.com/
Microsoft Editor – Spelling and Grammar browser extension Microsoft Editor: Spelling & Grammar Checker – Microsoft Edge Addons
Create your own botshttps://poe.com/create_bot –
Media Literacy Search Progress

February 2025 Episode 5: Interview with Louise Ohashi

JALTCALL Podcasts host Geoff Carr interviews Dr. Louise Ohashi (Gakushuin University) with Robert Dykes at the JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Conference 2025 “Teaching Tools for the Classroom”.

Dr. Ohashi specializes in second language acquisition and language education. Her key research areas include learner autonomy, motivation, and CALL/MALL. She is EUROCALL’s AI SIG Chair and conducts research and workshops on AI in language education. She is also a keen language learner. She gave her keynote lecture on ChatGPT as a Tool for L2 Education, and a workshop on Building AI Literacy Through Exploration during the conference. 

Special thanks to JALT Hokkaido organisers Bricklin Zeff, Michael Mielke, and the whole Hokkaido chapter. https://hokkaido.jalt.org/

Host: Geoff Carr
Co-Host: Robert Dykes
Guest: Louise Ohashi
Editors: Luc Gougeon & Brian Gallagher
Technical support: Adam Jenkins

Show notes

Dr. Louise Ohashi (Gakushuin University) – ORCHID page
Study on Teacher response to Chat GPT with Antonie Alm:A worldwide study on language educators’ initial response to ChatGPT
Carnegie Mellon MS Research preprint: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2025/01/lee_2025_ai_critical_thinking_survey.pdf?ref=404media.co
Adam Grant – Think Again  (Preacher, Prosecutor, Politician, Scientist thinking modes)
Louise’s Book recommendation: Generative AI and Education: Digital Pedagogies, Teaching Innovation and Learning Design (SpringerBriefs in Education)
EuroCALL AI SIG / JALTCALL Collab – March 31st
JALTCALL Podcasts February Studio Session – Coming soon
JALTCALL Forum at PanSIG – Panel discussion that Louise will join. – May 18th

February 2025 Episode 4: JALTCALL Studio Talk

Your host for the day is Brian Gallagher from Meijo University who is talking with Program Co-Chair Robert Remmerswaal about the technology they use in their classes and how they make it work. They include Poodll (a Moodle extension), Google Classroom, and ZenGengo from Paul Raine. We discuss discussion techniques, strategies for assessment, and getting the best out of our students in very different scenarios both STEM, and foreign language departments.

Host: Brian Gallagher
Co-host: Robert Remmerswaal

Show notes

Poodl https://poodll.com/ is a platform used for recorded chats or P-Chats. Branden Kirchmeyer developed the Poodl plugin for Moodle with the coding expertise of Justin Hunt.
H5P in Moodle https://h5p.org/
Google Classroom (platform) used at Meijo U.,
Eigo.AI (curated content) https://eigo.ai/
ZenGengo platform used with teacher-created content https://www.zengengo.com/
 Napkin.ai that converts text to visuals is now in beta testing allowing full access for now. https://www.napkin.ai/
Twinkl is a K12 resource (now multilingual accessible) for all native-level teaching materials. https://www.twinkl.jp/resources/keystage2-ks2

January 2025 Episode 3: Robert Hirschel Interview at SUTLF 2025

In this episode of the JALTCALL Podcast, recorded live on January 25th at the Sojo University SUTLF conference in Kumamoto, Japan. Our host Robert Dykes discusses an AI Corrective Feedback Moodle plugin with Rob Hirschel. Both researchers work at Sojo University and have implemented it there. Rob Hirschel explains how the new AI plugin created by Marcus Green benefits students and can be used by anyone on the Moodle platform. Programmer and JALTCALLwebmaster Luc Gougeon adds specific details to the conversation about Open Source AI and Ollama (large language models).

Host: Robert Dykes
Guest: Rob Hirschel, Sojo University, Kumamoto
Sound technician & editor: Luc Gougeon
Editor: Brian Gallagher

Show notes

Marcus Green AI Text https://github.com/marcusgreen/moodle-qtype_aitext
Marcus Green personal page https://examulator.com/marcus/
Moodle https://moodle.org/
SUTLF Conference https://www.nankyujalt.org/sutlf/sutlf-2025
SOJO University SILC https://www.sojo-u.ac.jp/silc/staff/
Ollama https://ollama.com/

January 2025 Episode 2 Parts 1&2

This is the January 2025 JALTCALL Podcasts Studio Talk with Brian Gallagher and Geoff Carr. This month we explore wellness and good practice when using our computer for long periods of time. Brian explains how to set-up your positioning and posture to avoid pain, and also we discuss some exercises to reduce health problems that come from overuse.
Part 2 explores professional development and the skills necessary going forward into the near future for teaching and learning. Recommendations for free and low-cost courses to improve your knowledge and skills, as well as some ideas for lifelong learning and places to find good resources.

Host: Brian Gallagher
Co-host: Geoff Carr

Show notes

Opensyllabus.org https://www.opensyllabus.org/
Brian Gallagher Resources https://anthonybriangallagher.weebly.com/the-best-resources.html
EdX Courses www.Edx.org https://www.edx.org/courses?q=free+ai+courses
Coursera.org https://www.coursera.org/
The World Economic Forum 

December 2024 Episode 1

JALTCALL Podcasts present 2024 The Year in Review. A look back at the 2024 JALTCALL Conference held at Meijo University, Nagoya Dome-Mae Campus. Your host for the day Brian Gallagher talks with Program Chair Geoff Carr, 2024 Conference Chair Robert Dykes, Web Administrator Luc Gougeon, and Conference Program Co-chair Robert Remmerswaal about the highlights and standouts of the conference. We discuss some of the books, resources, and researchers that shone this year.

Host: Brian Gallagher
Co-hosts: Geoff Carr, Robert Dykes, Luc Gougeon, Robert Remmerswaal

If you are interested in interviewing someone interesting and want to share it with the community, or if you have something interesting to share and want to be interviewed, jump on board. This is the platform for you.
You can reach us at program@jaltcall.org

Show notes

Lance Eaton: https://www.lanceeaton.com/ https://aiedusimplified.substack.com/

Ethan Mollick https://www.oneusefulthing.org/

Hardfork podcast https://www.nytimes.com/column/hard-fork

Hilliker, S. M. (Ed.). (2022). Second language teaching and learning through virtual exchange (Vol. 29). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110727364

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach https://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/

The Tachino Question” 
Q. “Why should anyone learn a foreign language in the age of perfect universal translators?”
A. As not all language exchanges are transactional in nature, we may not need to know a foreign language for asking directions, conducting routine transactions, etc., but we will continue to need to learn foreign languages when the purpose of the interaction is human connection.

December 2024 trailer

Welcome to JALTCALL Podcasts beginning in 2025. We want to be the platform that you use to share ideas with the CALL community and beyond. We will be offering interviews, updates, teaching ideas, new implementations, and more…
We are looking for your contributions and volunteers who are also willing to record and feature in future podcasts.

Starting in 2025 we hope that this platform will be a chance for listeners to hear good ideas and to grow our community