The Current State of MALL in Japanese Universities

Edo Forsythe, Hirosaki Gakuin University


It has been almost 20 years since Thornton and Houser (2002) investigated the potential of using cellphones in Japanese university language classrooms. Since then, thousands of research articles have demonstrated the practical, theoretical, and pedagogical foundations of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in Japanese educational contexts. This chapter is a review of recent literature in the field of MALL, specifically focusing on the use of iPods, iPads, and smartphones in language learning. The research from the previous seven years reviewed herein includes studies about the use of video creation, social media, content instruction, and student perceptions of MALL. The intent of this chapter is to provide an overview of current MALL practices in use in Japanese educational contexts with ideas for research-based, practical application and to provide suggestions for continued research in this field.

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